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The STC Electrician Technology Program offers the latest resources in solar energy

Students who enrolled in the Solar Energy Fundamentals in Electrical Technology program in the fall of 2023 were the first to take the new course. Surface simulation.

“Our students learn how to install a residential solar panel system, which converts solar energy into electrical energy through solar panels in an Enphase grid-type system. This basically means that these panels are converting energy,” said Cristina Aguilar, STC Electrical Technology Instructor. Solar into AC electricity, which is what we use in our homes.” “This is exactly how actual rooftop solar panels are installed on a residential job site, so the students are learning how to do it now, and they are prepared when they go out into the field.”

The Solar Energy Technology course is one of many courses available through the program. Electrical technology also includes courses in residential and commercial work, as well as training in the industrial and wind energy sectors.

“from “We have many options for students, such as solar, wind, industrial, residential, commercial and basic electrical basics, and then they can expand and decide exactly what they want to do with that knowledge,” Aguilar said. “A lot of students are really surprised when they get here and realize we have all these options for them.”

STC student Michael Gonzalez said he started at the college in 2021 with work experience as an electrical installer, but was amazed at the faculty’s ability to expand his knowledge once he entered the program.

“I started out doing installations for eight months in the field before I was brought onto the sales team at my last job, so I gained that experience,” Gonzalez said. “STC helped me get a better picture of the work of an electrician as a whole, which helped me understand this job more and broaden my knowledge.”

For more information about the STC Electricity Technology Program visit www.southtexascollege.edu/academics/electrician/.


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