Electrical Safety Tips Spring 2024 – Right Electrical Services LLC

In keeping with the tradition of spring cleaning, why not take the time to clean up some of those bad habits that can lead to unnecessary electrical hazards. Although National Electrical Safety Month isn’t technically until May, this is the perfect time to start discussing electrical safety tips for spring 2024. The first official day of spring 2024 is Tuesday, March 19, so spring is right around the corner.

Our electricians have compiled a list of some of our top electrical safety tips for spring 2024. As you delve into your spring cleaning list, take some time to address some of the items below! Since electrical hazards are the cause of more than 140,000 fires annually, it pays to take a little extra time to practice good electrical safety.

As always, be sure to call us at (919) 359-1017 to schedule an appointment with Raleigh’s most trusted electricians today! You can also request an appointment online. We look forward to helping you!

1. Be aware of moisture hazards

Tips for electrical, water and electricity safety

Although you’re probably aware of the dangers that come with mixing electricity and humid environments, it doesn’t need to be repeated: You should always be wary of potential moisture hazards around electrical components and power cords, especially in the spring. When electricity is available, you need to make sure that you are working in a completely dry environment.

2. Talk to professionals before digging

Electrical Safety Hazards Underground power lines

As temperatures get warmer, you’ll likely find yourself outside more often, especially when it comes to yard work. If any of your garden maintenance involves digging, think before you act. Underground power lines can be just as dangerous as overhead power lines. Considering the fact that you can’t see it, it’s almost impossible to know its location until you’re directly on top of it! Before you dig a hole to plant a new tree this spring, for example, be sure to consult a professional to make sure it’s safe to do so.

3. Be careful of power lines

For those of you who don’t know, overhead power lines present an interesting kind of danger. This is due to the fact that if you connect to an overhead power line while your feet are firmly planted on the ground, for example, the electrical current will travel through your body before making its way to the ground below. Worse still, the same thing can happen simply by standing under low power lines.

Before you get too involved in yard work near overhead power lines, be careful and aware of the risks involved. As a general rule, you should make sure to keep all tools, materials, and body parts at least 15 feet away from power lines at all times.

4. Check electrical tools before use

Check electrical safety tips for spring power tools

There are probably a number of power tools that you haven’t used regularly since the last time temperatures were warmer outside. As you prepare to use all of these tools again this year, be sure to check each one regularly before use. Broken plugs and frayed cords can make using your appliances extremely dangerous. In addition, you should always ensure that these tools are unplugged when not in use and stored in dry places (especially during rainy months).

5. Be careful when doing yard work

Spring 2024 Electrical Mower Safety Tips

As mentioned earlier, electricity and water are a very dangerous combination. With that being said, it is always important to be careful when doing yard work. When mowing grass, for example, be sure to use the electric lawn mower only on dry grass. If you need to use an extension cord for any of your yard work, be sure to use an insulated cord designed specifically for outdoor use. You can never be too careful!

6. Use GFCIs for your appliances

Finally, it’s a smart idea to use GFCIs in case your electrical appliances come into contact with water or malfunction. GFCIs are designed to immediately cut off power when they detect certain electrical hazards, and this goes a long way in preventing the risk of electrical shock. To learn more about the benefits of GFCIs, check out our blog “GFCI Outlets and How to Stay Safe.”

Contact our licensed Raleigh electricians today and have a safe spring of 2024!

Now that you know some of our top spring electrical safety tips, we hope you’ll hire our licensed electricians for all your electrical needs! We are standing by to help you with any electrical repair or installation – no job is too big or too small! We look forward to working with you and wish you a happy and safe spring season.

Renee Rose

Renee is a freelance copywriter and blogger known for her expertise on topics like marketing, freelancing, mental health, and more. She has written for hundreds of small business websites and is the Director of Marketing here at Right Electrical Services, LLC. Renee believes that when a company prioritizes entertaining, engaging, and informative content for their readers, they can expect a loyal following that will trust their company.

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