Coach’s Perspective: Benefits of a Regional Meeting

As a Nexstar business coach and one-time member, I often find myself fielding questions from members who are curious about my dual perspective. Sometimes, these members are asking for advice on how to allocate their time and resources to maximize business impact; other times, they’re interested in hearing the broader experiences of other members navigating the ever-evolving craft landscape.

When it comes to making time to maximize business impact and hear from other members, there’s one thing I always recommend to people: I encourage them to attend a regional meeting. A regional meeting is a gathering of Nexstar members held at the member’s company. These meetings are designed to support members in a specific geographic area, but they are open to all members, regardless of their location.

Recently, I had the opportunity to facilitate and attend a regional meeting organized by the NH Ross team in Middle Island, New York. It was a great meeting! It really highlighted some of the amazing benefits members receive when they attend regional meetings. These include:

From right, Brittany Spencer, Nexstar Network Business Coach, collaborated with Nexstar Network members at NH Ross including Neil, Dawn, and John to create an unforgettable regional event.

Great opportunity to connect with peers.

The opportunity to connect with other members who are facing similar challenges and triumphs is a great one. The personal interactions at regional meetings allow for the exchange of ideas, strategies, and experiences that can lead to new approaches and solutions. Being a leader can feel isolated; but finding a community of peers locally provides a support network with a shared purpose.

Networking with others also helps a leader grow professionally. Regional meetings bring together a diverse group of individuals from different backgrounds. The relationships built at these events often extend beyond the event itself, providing a powerful professional network.

Information sharing

When you attend a regional meeting, you’ll receive updates on best practices shared by your peers and coaches alike. And this exchange isn’t just a one-way street! You’ll engage in a dynamic dialogue where everyone learns from and contributes to each other. These discussions often lead to innovative ideas that can be implemented in your store. When I think back to the regional meeting with the NH Ross team, I’m reminded of the many organic conversations that took place. Members shared how they experienced growth through Daily Huddle tweaks, how they strengthened their communication around their team’s daily goals and actions, best practices their dispatch team used to increase revenue, and more!

Shop Tours

Store tours are so exciting! For participants, seeing how other members operate firsthand provides a wealth of practical insights and ideas. These tours provide a behind-the-scenes look at successful practices and innovative solutions in action. Observing different operational strategies and workflows can help you organize your own improvements and efficiencies.

tangible inspiration

Hearing from others about their successes, struggles, and hard-won results is truly inspiring! Regional meetings help remind us all of the higher purpose behind our work. They affirm our commitment to serving others and encourage us to continue striving for excellence. Attending a regional meeting provides leaders with a multifaceted opportunity to grow and develop by fostering learning, collaboration, and continuous improvement.

Don’t just take my word for it, experience the regional meeting for yourself!

If you are a home services industry leader and would like to learn more about Nexstar membership, contact us today.

Brittany Spencer was a member of Nexstar for years before becoming an employee. She worked in the residential services industry as a CFO and General Manager for the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC sectors. She is passionate about helping members improve their daily operations, financial results, employee turnover, and customer satisfaction.

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