Top Monthly Trainers – Shane Rao, Inventory Management Trainer

This month, we sat down with Nexstar Accounting Coach, Shane Rao, to talk about what led him to join Nexstar, what he does on a day-to-day basis, and what he likes to do in his free time.

Q: Where and when did you start your career?
A: My first formal exposure to trading was when I started working as an accountant at Nexstar.

Q: What brought you to Nexstar?
A: Prior to joining Nexstar, I was a flooring manager at Menards. I had a degree in accounting and wanted to put it to good use, so I applied for an accounting position here at Nexstar.

Q: What are some career milestones that were important in guiding you to your role as a coach?
A: Earning my CMA certification was essential in developing my knowledge and skills as an accountant. Working my way up through Nexstar and taking on the role of auditor was another key to my development. Finally, taking on the role of accounting coach was essential in learning about the industry and the lives of our members.

Q: What does your typical day as a coach look like?
A: My typical day as a coach starts with reviewing any emails I didn’t have time to follow up on the day before. I then enter any earnings report information I received and send reminders to companies that are late with their monthly earnings report. After that, my day consists of calls covering anything related to daily member accounting, earnings report questions, and the business planning workshop. Beyond those calls, I follow up on any additional questions or concerns I receive throughout the day.

Q: What is the best part of your job, and why?
A: The best part of my job is when a company that is struggling takes the advice we give them and turns things around. Another great part is when an accountant makes regular calls with me and I get to watch them really grow. They can get to the point where our calls become their reports with numbers, rather than them troubleshooting things together or having me analyze their numbers.

Q: What are some things that interest you?
A: A: I love my family and all things outdoors. Hunting, fishing, hiking, canoeing, and camping are all things my family and I love!

Would you like to learn more about our monthly earnings report, business planning workshop, or any other ways Shane can help you? Please email him at (email protected).

Shane with his wife Holly
Shane and his sons

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