Funding Notice: i2X Innovative Queuing Management Solutions (iQMS) for Connecting and Powering Clean Energy

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Offices: Solar Energy Technologies Office, Wind Energy Technologies Office, Joint Office of Energy and Transport
Funding amount: $11.2 million
Progress to Track 1: Connecting Generators
Apply for Track 2: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Loading Applications

The U.S. Department of Energy’s Innovation to Connect (i2X) Electronic Exchange and the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation, through an intermediary partnership agreement with ENERGYWERX, announced the Innovative Queue Management Solutions (iQMS) for Connecting and Powering Clean Energy program. The program will award $11.2 million to up to 25 distribution companies to pilot innovative solutions for managing charging and powering queues for electric vehicles and renewable energy.

Many electric distribution companies lack the tools and capabilities to manage the large connection queues of medium-sized (100 kW to 5 MW) nonresidential clean energy projects and electric vehicle charging equipment seeking to connect to the grid, leading to delays and high costs. The demand for construction of these types of projects is expected to increase due to federal tax incentives and state and local decarbonization goals. Electric distribution companies need to implement tools and procedures to efficiently process these requests to avoid connection queues and long delays in connecting new clean energy projects.

The iQMS program will fund pilot projects to demonstrate new solutions for managing interconnection queues on real interconnection queues, service load and commissioning requests. These tests will help utility companies and public utility commissions understand the true potential of new software and workflow automation solutions and accelerate their adoption to enable rapid deployment of more solar, wind, energy storage, electric vehicle charging infrastructure and other clean energy assets on the grid. Participating utilities will document and share lessons learned and best practices from their pilot projects to help other utilities manage similar interconnection and commissioning requests.

The application deadline for Tracks 1 and 2 is October 16, 2024, at 3 p.m. ET. For more information, register for the orientation webinar on August 29 from 3-4 p.m. ET or attend office hours on September 19 from 3-4 p.m. ET to learn more.


The iQMS program offers funding in two tracks. Applicants can apply to either or both tracks. Each track will operate in two phases, with the best performing facilities from Phase 1 selected to advance to Phase 2. An accelerated option is available for facilities that meet Phase 1 targets early. Participants will also receive technical assistance.

Track 1: Connecting Generators

This track will provide $9.2 million to utility companies to pilot distribution-level queue management solutions to connect medium-sized solar PV, wind, storage, small hydro and other clean energy projects.

Phase 1 – Preparation (8 months): Each utility company will receive $200,000 to determine the feasibility and value of implementing queue management improvement solutions, along with plans to demonstrate these solutions under real-world conditions. Phase 2 – Proof (16 months): Each utility company in Phase 1 will receive $650,000 to complete proposed implementation plans and demonstrate the performance of the solutions under real-world conditions.

Track 2: Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Loading Requests

This track will provide $2 million to utility companies to pilot distribution-level queue management solutions for EV supply equipment load requests and activation queues.

Phase 1 – Preparation (8 months): Each of the 10 utilities will receive $100,000 to test and demonstrate the value of at least one new solution proposal to improve queue management, along with plans to demonstrate such solutions under real-world conditions. Phase 2 – Proof (16 months): Each of the 4 utilities from Phase 1 will receive $250,000 to complete proposed implementation plans and demonstrate how the new solution combinations will achieve the expected results under real-world conditions.

This program is managed by ENERGYWERX in partnership with DOE’s Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) and Wind Energy Technologies Office (WETO) in the Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE), and the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation (JOET). This collaboration is made possible through an Innovative Partnership Brokerage Agreement established by DOE’s Office of Technology Transitions. This agreement enables ENERGYWERX to expand DOE’s engagement with innovative organizations and non-traditional partners, facilitating rapid development, scale, and deployment of clean energy solutions.

Key Dates

Release Date: August 14, 2024 Informational Webinar: August 29, 2024, 3-4 p.m. EST Office Hours: September 19, 2024, 3-4 p.m. EST Application Deadline: October 16, 2024, 3 p.m. EST Expected Selection Notification Date: January 2025 Expected Project Negotiation Timeline: January – May 2025

Additional information

Courtesy of the Solar Energy Technologies Office, Department of Energy.

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