Photo Disasters: Space Violation

Plumbing directly above this enclosed control panel shows a great way to violate the space requirements of Section 110.26(E). If a leakage protection device is not installed to protect electrical equipment, any leakage of water or other liquids into electrical equipment could cause a sudden and catastrophic failure.

Pursuant to Section 110.26(E)(1)(a), the space immediately below and above this enclosed control panel is reserved for electrical installations. This “dedicated electrical space” extends from the floor to a height of 6 feet above the control panel enclosure or to the structural ceiling, whichever is lower. Only electrical equipment may be installed in this space. Extraneous systems, such as plumbing and heating pipes, HVAC ducts, sewers, oil lines, and even leak protection devices, are prohibited from being installed in this space. The area above the “dedicated electrical space” is permitted to contain these extraneous systems, provided that some form of protection against leaks or breakage is provided for these extraneous systems of electrical equipment.

Another problem is the improper support methods used for the NM cables entering the top of the control panel enclosure. These cables are not properly secured and supported in accordance with Section 334.30. The use of EMT track to support the NM cables is a violation of Section 358.12(2) and does not comply with Section 300.11(c).

Submarine periscope imitation?

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