Frequently Asked Questions about Low Smoke Halogen Free Cables

Sometimes, the choice between low-smoke or halogen-free cables versus conventional cables isn’t entirely clear. There’s no doubt that low-smoke or halogen-free cables are safer because they are designed to avoid emitting hazardous gases or heavy smoke in the event of a fire. However, conventional cables with PVC insulation and sheathing have their place in many applications, especially those that involve minimal risk to human safety. If you have the luxury of choosing between halogen-free cables and conventional cables for your application, you may be wondering whether halogen-free cables are right for your needs. This blog post will answer some of the common questions you may have about halogen-free cables, and also introduce you to a new line of halogen-free cables made with sustainability in mind.

Frequently Asked Questions About Halogen Free Cables

While halogen-free cables offer many safety benefits, you may have questions about their suitability for your application. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions, using our SABIX® line of smoke-free and halogen-free cables — as well as new SAB cablesorganic Family – eg. SAB’s product range includes low smoke, halogen-free (LSZH), low smoke and vapour (LSF), and fire-resistant and non-corrosive (FRNC) cables.

Can they withstand extreme conditions? Many halogen-free cables operate in an extended temperature range from -40 to +85°C. At SAB, our halogen-free cables withstand temperatures up to 125°C, and our high-temperature single-conductor cables operate from -40 to +220°C. SABIX® cables are also oil-resistant and are tested and certified according to VDE and EN standards. Our control cables are suitable for wet, dry and humid conditions, while selected cables are resistant to chemicals, acids, solvents and hydraulic fluids. In addition, SAB’s new SAB cablesorganic The lines resist abrasion, UV, weather and hydrolysis. Can they be customized? At SAB, we offer over 30 different SABIX® compounds to meet your needs. While halogen-free materials are more difficult to extrude than PVC, we have the expertise to help you create a custom flexible cable that can best suit your application. Is it flexible? Halogen-free cables offer exceptional flexibility, making them suitable for a wide range of applications. SABIX® cable bend diameters range from 4 x OD for fixed installation and 6 x OD for free movement to 5 x OD (fixed) and 10 x OD (free movement). SABIX® continuous flexible cables feature bend diameters of 4 x OD (fixed), 6 x OD (flexible) and 16 x OD (continuous flexible). Is it right for my industry? Halogen-free cables are not only desirable in enclosed or public areas where fires are a safety concern, they are also suitable for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications as well as food and beverage operations. In addition, the SABIX® range of halogen-free cables includes versions specifically designed for rail and marine applications. Are they readily available? SAB offers one of the largest halogen-free cable offerings in the world thanks to many years of material mastery for a wide range of applications. Are halogen-free cables environmentally friendly? Yes! The new SABorganic The production line uses a high percentage of sustainable resources for the polyurethane outer shell, resulting in a 25% reduction in CO2 footprint compared to other polyurethane shells. Suitable for cable ducts and moving machine parts, SABorganic Cables are resistant to flame, oils and chemicals.

Flexibility, reliability and peace of mind

Whether you need to meet safety objectives for applications where potential fires pose risks to human health or you simply want to explore environmentally friendly cable alternatives, SAB’s growing range of SABIX® and SABorganic Halogen-free cables provide flexibility and reliability as well as low smoke and toxicity to give you peace of mind.

For more information about SAB halogen-free cables, download our brochure.

For more information about SABorganic Cables, download our brochure.

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