Gold Medal in Efficiency: Energy Gains Added to Voluntary Agreement Programs

Just as our athletes sought gold at this summer’s Olympic Games in Paris, our industry is pursuing maximum energy efficiency in home networking equipment and set-top boxes. The annual reports of the Voluntary Energy Efficiency Agreements were recently released, and it seems as if these programs are setting new world records every year!

balance beam

The Small Network Equipment Voluntary Agreement (SNE VA) is an initiative that addresses SNE devices such as modems and routers. It seeks to balance energy consumption with the ever-evolving demand for faster downloads, better Wi-Fi coverage, and increased security and reliability. The 2023 U.S. SNE VA Annual Report reveals that the energy efficiency of products purchased or sold in 2023 has improved by 89 percent since the program began.

These figures were calculated by dividing the weighted average capacity of devices purchased or sold each year by the average fixed-line consumer broadband download speed for each year as measured by Ookla.

high diving

The energy consumption of set-top boxes continues to decline. According to the latest annual report from STB VA, the national set-top box footprint energy consumption has decreased from 32 terawatt hours per year (TWh/year) to 10.3 TWh/year over the course of the program!

The 21.7 terawatt-hours saved in 2023 equates to more than $3.4 billion in savings for consumers and avoidance of 15.2 million metric tons of carbon dioxide. The energy saved over the 11-year period is more than enough to power every home in California, Oregon and Nevada for a year.

Power consumption in set-top boxes has dropped by 68 percent since 2012.

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Canada also aligns with the United States in its energy efficiency programs. The 2023 Canada Energy Efficiency Voluntary Agreement (CEEVA) Annual Report covers both set-top boxes and SNEs, and shows nearly identical efficiency trends over the years.

CEEVA expanded the team when it added TELUS as a signatory this year, increasing CEEVA signatories’ market coverage to more than 96 percent of Canada’s pay TV and residential broadband markets.

Voluntary Energy Efficiency Agreement Program in the United States and CanadaVoluntary Energy Efficiency Agreement Program in the United States and Canada


Team sport

CableLabs is proud to be part of the team that makes these voluntary agreement programs successful, saves consumers money, and continues to deliver innovative products and services. Customers across the U.S. and Canada have been cheering on their Olympic teams more efficiently this year, whether via set-top box or streaming on a smart device.

The energy savings achieved are not just technical achievements; they are medals for the planet, helping to ensure the torch of a sustainable future is passed to the next generation.

You can read more about energy efficiency on our blog and learn more about the US and Canadian voluntary agreements.

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