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Strong and reliable cables ensure effective control of wind turbine rotation

Wind farms are becoming available for use around the world, and their increasing adoption would not be possible without cables. Inside the wind turbine nacelle alone, there are dozens of cables connecting the power electronics, controls and communications systems as part of a drip loop. Add to that the cables in the base, the tower and the stadium system. These cables are likely to be exposed to extreme weather and many other conditions that can undermine their reliability.

Not only must your cables be strong and reliable, but they must also come from a supplier that has a wide range of cable types to meet your turbine’s varying needs. Here are some characteristics to look for in cables that will withstand the harsh conditions of wind turbine applications.

Mechanical stress and vibrations. As turbine towers reach hundreds of feet in height and require increasingly longer cables, high tensile strength is an important factor. Cables must also withstand vibrations caused by constantly moving parts. Oil resistance. Inside the nacelle, the gearbox is a major cause of cable exposure to oil. Other moving parts may also leak lubricant or hydraulic fluid. Resistance to sunlight. Wind turbines are located outdoors, making resistance to sunlight essential. Temperature resistance. Cables must maintain their flexibility in hot and cold temperatures. EMI resistance. Wind turbines have several moving parts that can affect data transmission and control cables. Smoke and flame. Fires are a constant threat to wind farms.

SAB cable is available for your wind turbine application

At Saab, we have developed a wide range of robust and reliable cables to meet the needs of different systems in wind turbines. Highlights of our range include:

Control cables. These cables are an integral part of the precise, high-speed information exchange between the turbine’s numerous components and the control center. For example, SAB CC 600 is a flexible cable well suited for installation between yaw motors, cabinet, gearbox and generator. Features include UL/CSA rating, high mechanical load capacity and oil resistance. Data cables and sensors. Sensor data is critical for efficient deflection movements and blade positioning. The vibrations generated by the rotor system make high flexibility an essential requirement for data cables and sensors. Our data cables and sensors can be installed from the nacelle housing all the way to the turbine base. Engine cables. Inclined drive systems that angle wind turbine blades require a reliable connection to the servo motor. Fiber optic and hybrid cables. We offer hybrid data transmission cables with polymeric optical fiber (POF) and layered copper conductors. The POF is particularly useful for data communications between switch boxes and pitch control components, thanks to its excellent resistance to EMI. Our copper cables are desirable for temperature control when used with resistance thermometers. Chinese cables. Suitable for use in turbine housing and tower drip loops, our TR 600 tray cable is WTTC-, UL TC-ER and NFPA 79 rated with exceptional UV and oil resistance. Its flexible braid makes installation easy. Ethernet cable. Our CATLine CAT 7A S Ethernet cable is intended for flexible use with cable routes in nacelle applications. Featuring a bend radius of 5 x OD (fixed), 15 x OD (free motion) and 15 x OD (continuous flex), the UC recognized/CSA certified CATLine CAT 7 is halogen free, flame retardant and very good oil self extinguishing And chemical resistance.

Expanded supplier of wind turbine cables

Wind turbines have a long list of systems and components that require strong, reliable cables. Whether you need to create real-time data exchange between components and control systems without interference, easy-to-install cables for drip loop systems or Ethernet cables that can withstand the harsh conditions of your wind turbines, we have cable to meet your wind turbine application requirements.

For more information, please download our brochure.

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