Your electric bill after going to solar energy: How it works

You may still have an electric interest bill after going to solar energy. Most home owners need energy from the network at night and when their paintings do not produce adequate electricity. The average monthly housing electricity bill is 136.84 dollars for 855 kilowatts, according to the Ministry of Energy

However, solar panels should reduce electricity bills; In some cases, your bill may go to scratch.

How do bills work when you have solar energy?

The size of the electricity bill after installing the solar panels depends on your specified position. Each state has its own regulations, facilities offer different prices and options, and every unique home. The average electricity price per kilos in the western clock, New England and Atlantic Medium Zones tend to be higher than the national average, but it is cheaper than the national average in the southern regions and mountain rocks

For example, here is the electric bill for May 2024 as a solar customer in the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG & E) in California.

How much will I save my electric bill with solar energy?

The amount you will provide on your electric bill with solar energy depends on seven main factors:

If your solar power system is the volume of all your electricity consumption.

How many hours of sunlight your home gets.

Electricity rates in your interest and price structures.

The net net measurement or net bills.

Do solar panels really reduce electricity bills?

Electrical bills can be difficult to move, and there is no single example suitable for everyone. But by identifying these main concepts, you will be able to understand the shape of your electric bill after getting solar energy:

Net analogy and net bills.

Types of benefit mode.

Net analogy and net bills

Pure measurement It is the mechanism for preparing the bills in which the company’s electric bill is attributed, usually at the retail rate, for excess solar electricity that you create and send to the power network.

Although net measurement is available in many areas, not all states or facilities are not provided.

Some countries, like California and ArizonaIt has been moved away from the net measurement and something called net bills, where the credits you get to send energy to the network are less than the retail rate.

How to appear on the electricity bill on your state and your benefit. You may get your credit monthly or annually.

Here is an example of NEM Charge details of my bill. The total is negative because my solar panels produced a lot of energy during that period, so I was sending more electricity to the network than I pulled it from the network. In the winter months, the situation is reversed. Short days and clouds mean that my paintings do not generate enough energy, so I have more power than I give to the network.

The electricity that my house pulled and sent to the network every month for a year.

My own facilities company displays the monthly balance of measurement for media purposes only; My account is success annually through a real statement.

Real data

A real statement is an official account of the amount of electricity it took from the network and sending it to the network over a specific period of time. If the utility company is compatible with net measuring credits annually, you will get a real statement once a year. If the amount of electricity you used from the network throughout the year is greater than the amount you sent to the network, then the real bill will receive your benefit for this balance. If you produce more energy than you used, this is the time when you may be compensated for the excessive amount, depending on your condition and benefit

For my home, this is expected to be a little less than 20 dollars for 2024. In my NEM summary, you can see a real statement:

You can avoid having to push anything in your True True by changing the size of your solar system to cover all your electricity needs.

Fixed fees

In many states, facilities companies make all customers fixed fees for electricity. This is usually the preservation of the power network for everyone, including solar customers. Fixed fees on your bill may be listed in several ways, such as service fees or customer service fees.

If your utility company has fixed fees, the only way to obtain an electric bill to zero is to compensate for these fees by producing more solar energy than you use. It may be difficult to do this if the utility company pays little to buy that extra electricity from you. For example, below NEM 3.0 in CaliforniaThe export rate of solar energy sent to the network is very low so that it is not worth trying to compensate for fixed fees by producing excess solar energy.

Unresponsive fees

Some states impose non -representable, or NBCS fees for all facilities agents; You can see it on my bill above. As the name suggests, you cannot avoid these drawings, even if you have solar energy. Depending on the state and interest, they may pay unresolved fees for programs such as energy efficiency programs and assistance for low -income customers, storms or environmental programs

Facilities Committee in North Carolina. Net analogy. It was reached on July 2, 2024.


Types of benefit mode

Facilities receive different types of prices; Here are the most common.

Fixed rates

Under this type of plan, it pays a fixed amount per kilowatt hour (kilowatts) of electricity that it pulls from the network, which means that the price is the same regardless of today or time from today. Your bill depends on the amount of electricity that you pull from the network, but the rate of each kilowatts per hour remains the same.

Variable rates

Under this type of plan, what you pay for every kilowatt hour fluctuates depending on the terms of supply and demand. Accordingly, if the energy demand is low, you will pay less for the electricity you pull from the network; If the demand is high and the offer is paid, you will pay more.


Under TOU plans, facilities are expected to be confined to more closely with what the tool should pay to create or buy this energy. For example, on a hot summer day when many people depend on air conditioning, the demand for the network increases, and therefore the supply must also increase, which increases the cost of the power generation tool. This is especially true in the early evening hours when people return to the home. Tou can be transformed according to the time of today and the season

On my electric bill, you can see that I paid more per kilowatt hour for electricity during peak hours compared to hours outside peak times. In the PG & E service area, as in many areas, solar energy customers must be in the TOOS average plan

During peak hours in this billing period, my solar system was generating more electricity than I pulled from the network; For this reason there is a negative number on the “peak” line. I can reduce my bill by avoiding the use of devices such as a washing machine and dryer during peak hours. In my TOUS Plan, the peak pricing occurs between 4 pm and 9 pm every day – when the solar system does not generate a lot of electricity.


Under a gradual average plan, also known as an inverted price system, you pay one per kilowatt hour if your use is less than a specific threshold; You pay a higher rate per kilowatt hour if your use exceeds this threshold. The gradual average plans, used in some states, aim to encourage customers to use less electricity. Since you will pull the electricity less than the solar network, you are less likely to enter a higher layer. This is a way that can help you to provide your electricity bill

Request fees

Some countries impose fees on demand for residential customers, and these fees are more common. The demand fees depend on the energy demand mutations. Your home can use a relatively small amount of energy, but nails during peak times can increase the electricity bill significantly. This is because your benefit should keep enough energy online to provide electricity to these nails whenever it happens. Although the solar system can help reduce the demand fees by reducing the use of electricity, it will not help if you use nails at a time when it does not produce a lot of solar energy.

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Can I get funding for the solar plate system?

In addition to tax incentives and discounts, there are options available. Many solar stabilizers provide funding, but you may also be able to finance your solar investments through a Household stock loan or Heloc credit line (Helo). These options may have lower interest rates than financing with installed, future opportunities for funding and potential tax benefits.

Home and Helocs loans are ways to borrow against your home value, and turn shares into cash. Through a home stock loan, it receives a cut boost, then pay it at a fixed interest rate over an agreed period of time, usually from five to 30 years. Helocs closer to a credit card, something you use as needed. Usually you have 10 years to extract from the credit line, and during that time you only have to pay the interest, and then pay both The main and interest. Heloc interest rates are usually variable, which means that your monthly payment may rise or decrease over time. With each of these options, you use your home as Guarantees.

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Another option is a Solar energy loan. Several banks, credit federations and online lenders offer them to finance solar panels and fixtures, with amounts usually range from $ 1,000 to $ 100,000, and annual percentage rates range from 6 % to 36 %. It works like a personal loan: receives a cut amount and pays it in equal monthly installments over a specific period, usually from two to seven years. Unlike home stock financing, there is no required warranty for a solar loan. This means that your home or solar panels is not in danger if you miss the payments, but you may have to pay late fees.

So, yes, you are likely to get funding. If you go to this path, compare interest rates, conditions and fees with any financing package that the solar power provider may offer you to ensure that you get the best deal.

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