Electrical checklist for winter | Local electrician

With winter approaching, there is a lot homeowners can do to help prepare their homes for the cold season. As you make your list, it’s important to base your home’s electrical system on it. Making sure your home’s electrical system is ready for the colder months is crucial.

With over 95 years of experience, the team at Kolb Electric is here to give you expert advice on how to keep your electrical systems running smoothly through the winter. Following this checklist prepared by our experts will ensure that you have an electrical system you can rely on.

Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors

Winter often means increased use of heating appliances, which can increase the risk of fire or carbon monoxide problems. Test your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to make sure they are working properly. Replace batteries and consider installing additional detectors in areas where there is insufficient coverage.

Check your insulation

Proper insulation in your home can reduce stress on your heating system. Check insulation in the attic, walls, and around outlets and electrical switches. Good insulation helps maintain temperature, reducing the need for constant heating, which helps reduce the load on your electrical system.

Check and upgrade lighting

With shorter days and longer nights, winter requires more lighting in your home. Check all lights, fixtures and switches. Consider upgrading to LED lights because they are more energy efficient, last longer, and are perfect for long winter nights.

Inspection of external electrical systems

Check external lighting, outlets, and power supplies. Make sure it is in good condition and properly insulated against winter weather. This is also a good time to evaluate whether you have enough outdoor lighting for the darker months.

Surge protection

Winter storms can bring power surges. Protect your home by making sure you have adequate surge protection. This can include whole-house surge protectors or surge protectors for individual appliances.

Emergency preparedness

Make sure you have an emergency kit ready in case of a power outage. This should include flashlights, batteries, and a backup power source such as a generator. If you have a generator, test it before winter arrives.

Schedule a professional inspection

Finally, don’t forget to schedule a professional electrical inspection. The skilled electricians at Kolb Electric can identify any potential issues and fix them before they become major issues, which will save you time, stress, and money in the long run. Remember, regular maintenance can prevent winter electrical emergencies.

Choose Kolb Electric for electrical services

When it comes to reliable electrical services, Kolb Electric is the number one choice for home and business owners in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Our family-owned and operated company has been serving this community since 1925, providing exceptional expertise and dedication in every service. Whether you need routine maintenance, complex installations, or emergency services, our skilled team is equipped to handle all of your electrical needs with the utmost professionalism.

Schedule electrical service with Kolb Electric by calling 877-287-1179 today.

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