Monthly Trainer Spotlight – Nathaniel Cochran, Software Trainer

Q: What are some career milestones that were important in guiding you to your role as a coach?
A: After a few months of executive coaching after moving “under new management” at the previous family business, my executive coach challenged me to acknowledge my dissatisfaction and consider counseling, a career that suited me well, despite my reservations at the time. .

A ServiceTitan recruiter moved me away from product management and toward ServiceTitan Certified Providers, where I could communicate directly with users. This recruiter recognized my ability to take on broader roles, and I was able to engage more directly with users in this new position. This recruiter was right. They led me to the most fun job I’ve ever had!

Q: What brought you to Nexstar?
A: I had my first conversation with Judy Peter while I was in the Azores on a much-needed vacation. Another member, Andy Wyatt of WyattWorks, sent her my resume without her asking. The store I managed became a Nexstar member about seven months before I left, so I went through the service and operational excellence system as a member and thought strongly about what Nexstar was doing to help raise the bar.

Q: What does a typical day look like as a coach?
A: About half of my morning starts with a short conversation with our inventory management coach, Daniel Todd. We go through some of the scenarios we’ve been helping members with. Then, I review emails before I officially start my coaching calls at 9, ending around 5:15. Sometimes I take live coaching calls until around 10pm so I can meet the needs of our Australian members. My emails are written almost entirely in the small gaps between coaching calls. Beyond the consistency of reporting, there is a lot of variety in the calls, but some weeks often seem to run on a certain theme.

Q: What is the best part of your job, and why?
A: The best part of my job is helping stores find ways to avoid getting bogged down with report generation; Rather, I help them improve the capabilities of their technicians. Please: Don’t just run the report; Use it to learn how to make the daily lives of everyone around you more fulfilling!

Q: What is one of your greatest superpowers?
A: I excel at presenting difficult news with a positive attitude.

Nathaniel with his grandmother, wife and son after a performance of Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

Q: What do you do to relax when you’re not at work?
A: I will admit that my usual hobbies are very similar to what most people consider work. I enjoy teaching myself programming languages, reading, and studying economics and philosophy. I also enjoy beating my son at chess and canoeing on the river near my house when the weather is nice.

Q: What are some of your hobbies?
A: My passion is to encourage critical thinking and questioning what I don’t know – I love drawing ideas about these things from other people around me.

Q: Is there anything else you would like to share?
A: The best medium ticket is the golden ticket.

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