Nexstar Career Classes and Education

I was working there at a trading firm, where I learned about Nexstar’s best practices, including one-on-one coaching and training classes.

I remember sitting down with the owner during one of our one-on-one sessions. He offered me the opportunity to attend my first call center training at Nexstar. I was nervous but also excited to meet my colleagues and take some knowledge back to my company. I agreed, booked my flight, and packed my bags.

I didn’t know what to expect, but when I arrived at the first day of training, I immediately felt something shift inside me. This wasn’t just a class; it was a world-class experience. I wasn’t just learning business material; I was also connecting with my network of professional peers. I was drawn to the stories the skilled trainers told. I left the class no longer thinking of myself as “just an office worker,” but as a professional partner in growing my company’s business. I still have my first call center training book!

I took my knowledge back, talked to the owner, and shared what I had learned. With the owner’s support, I helped the company build its call center from the ground up. Ten years later, that owner was able to retire much younger than my father and sell the business.

I attended many other courses and workshops offered by Nexstar while working at the plumbing company. It all eventually brought me back to Nexstar as a coach. Entrepreneurship and the courses have changed my life.

When I go on introductory training calls, I sometimes offer what Nexstar means when they say, “There is no Harvard in plumbing. However, Nexstar offers world-class training opportunities. It will change your life.” Not just for your leaders and service technicians, but also in your contact center. The only learning ceiling is you.

If you’re hesitant about sending an employee for training, consider investing in them. You’ll also be investing in yourself. When you provide education and focus on bringing out the best in others, you’ll see how they bring out the best in you and your business.

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